Sunday, September 9, 2007


Miles: 57.1 - Total Miles: 434.7 - Total Ascent: 17,583 ft.
Today, Sunday, was supposed to be a rest day. But, I was too antsy to sit around and rest. So off I went! The day started out when I drove over the BIGGEST grasshopper I have ever seen. Right after I heard the loud crunch, I felt a big wet splat on my left knee!
Shortly thereafter, I came across this neat sign that reminded me of growing up near the Amish Country Northeastern Ohio. I did get to see an amish horse and buggy today, but not close enough to get a good picture - he probably wouldn't have appreciated that anyway!

The weather took a turn from the typical sunny, hot, and humid days earlier in the week, to overcast, cloudy, with light sprinkles - perfect riding weather! Perfect until about an hour into my ride - the skies opened up, and it rained, rained, rained, all day long. Some would have found that to be very annoying, but because I was prepared, it was a nice change of pace.

Upon arriving in Kittanning, I had to cross this bridge. It sure was beautiful!
Tomorrow I'll be in..... OHIO!

"I Can!"


Holly said...

Checking out your blog is like waiting for the next installment of a great novel! What's gonna happen next? Happy the day went well - and what a photographer you are too! (BTW - I think your call to not photograph the Amish buggy was a good one.) But oh, poor grasshopper! I won't tell my kiddos about that one! Keep safe!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chip,
Yipee, by tonight, Monday night, you will be in good old Ohio!! I talked to Grandpa Roberts yesterday and he is definitely planning on driving to wherever he has to, to meet up with you. I'm sure you have his number or Uncle Rex's to get in touch with him. They all (Uncle Rex, Aunt Janelle, Ian, etc.) want to see you if they can, and are not at school or work. As I said, 82-year-old Grandpa will make it for sure! I'm fascinated by your trip and have an atlas next to our computer so I'm with you all the way! Love to you. TAKE CARE!

Anonymous said...

Chip, You are an awesome photographer. After hearing about the grasshopper incident, I half expected to see a close-up shot of your grasshopper-remains covered left knee. And what no talk of food today? Holly-go-lightly's comment about waiting for the next installment of a great novel is dead on. When this adventure is in the can, you will have to write a book. A kid's book about dreaming big and then going for it would be great. I am trying to plan to come be your chase vehicle when you get to Arizona. You should be there right around my birthday on Oct 16. That would a nice way to celabrate.

Take care buddy, (You are smart!)


Anonymous said...

I know how Holly and Dave feel about the "next installment". I checked every 10 minutes for a new post last night and finally got it Monday morning. Like Aunt Annie, I too have an atlas and am with you city by city. Glad things are going well. Be safe and careful.

Anonymous said...

Chipster...TJ and Parker wanted to know if you buried the grasshopper that you slaughtered? Kids!!! Tracy and I are staying on course with our buckets of is the Mtn Dew? If I could Fed Ex one to you on the know I would. Love you tons...Stay safe! The Gropp/Yeargains

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you luck. Your pictures are wonderful. Just keep on peddling!

Topsy said...

Chip, the Hunts are pulling for you and thinking of you often. Nathan is riding his bike to Kindergarten everyday and last week he had such a flat tire on the way home that it was square. Sydney and I kept urging him on saying, "pedal like Chip!" He loved it. We miss you and we hope that you feel our energy pulling you home. We see Tracy everyday and she gets more and more beautiful. I'm sure you can't wait to see her!
We love you Chip!
Nisa Hunt

Jody said...

I am hooked with everyone else! But that's no pressure. Even if you have a day of no excitement I am just as eager to hear about it!

I got your business cards today. Let me know if I can send any anywhere. In the mean time, I will hand them out as I see fit.

PS- I love your Aunt Annie and all her comments!

Jody said...

I'm also glad to see you changed your schedule to include a rest on Tuesday. I can't imagine how your body must be dying for a break!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chip, love the updates including the gorey details of what happens on the road. We have a map going of your course so the kids can learn a little geography. Thanks for all the work you are doing to keep us informed of your ride. You have brought us so much pleasure with your daily stuff. Good luck, enjoy the little bit of rest you get and love to you, Tracy and the kids! The Lindquists

Anonymous said...

Uncle Chip - We miss you a lot. Don't get hurt. We want you to be safe. We can't wait to see you in October. We learned about your trip tonight for family night. We love you and will see you soon. Love Morgan and Kendall.

Jody said...

The girls still want to know where you're going to be fighting the bad people. They're just a little confused about the whole military part of your story. Good luck Chip, and stay safe.

Katie said...

CHIP!! I just found you through Holly. I promise I will be making daily visits to your site. My best thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. You are a hero! Hope you are planning to stop by Anaheim when you reach Cali!

Columbia Village Gropps said...

After watching you run up Galena Summit, I know I need not even offer up words of "Good Luck", because I know that you don't need it. You have an IRON WILL and a DESIRE to accomplish like only a few that I know. For this reason I am excited to follow you along this journey and only wish I were with you. To use one of your favorite quotes "Whether you think you can or you can't, You're Right!" I know you WILL. You are an inspiration to us all.


Anonymous said...

Hey brother,
Bren and I were seeing how much progress you've made so far. What a huge challenge that has been placed in front of you. You have a desire that is unmatched by many. When Tyler found out that you were taking off on the bike tour he said, "you mean the same one he was planning on doing for years when he was in CA? It's about time.." We laughed. Anyways, you motivate the hell out of me, so keep doing what you are doing. For those of us who are still serving - we are proud to still have you in our ranks.. There is only one way to look and that is UP..

Anonymous said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy...OHIO. I can't wait to see your Ohio pictures and hear about your visit with Grandpa. Mom called me earlier today to tell me you were with Grandpa already and on your way out to dinner. I guess Grandpa was sitting in his car out in front of the hotel talking on the phone with mom as you rode up on your bike. How exciting. I wonder if you'll get to pass through any covered bridges while traveling through Ohio. Ahhhh...that's my FAVORITE.

schultz kids said...
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Chip said...

Thank you!

Aunt Annie,
Thank you, too!

I'll help you blow out the many, 58?

Thanks for being there.

Sorry TJ and Parker,
Didn't bury "Hopper".

Thank you too, anonymous!

You are great, thanks.

Are "John and Ken" still on KFI? Can you notify them about the ride? Maybe send them some cards?

Jody again,

You guys are awsome!

Morgan and Kendall,
I love you too. And I can't wait to see you both (and meet your baby brother) on Oct. 20.

I almost had to in East Brunswick, NJ. Now I have a survival knife.

Please visit often. Remember, some gave all. Yes, I'll be in Anaheim.

You are a first-class friend. Grab your new bike and meet me in Kansas.

I would like to officially name you as my "Motivational Manager". Thanks buddy, Semper Fi!

Imagine riding a bike from NYC, across Pennsylvania, into Ohio and to see Grandpa Roberts on the front bench of your hotel - whew!!!