Monday, September 17, 2007


Miles: 59.4 - Total Miles: 890.6 - Total Ascent: 29,899 ft.

I know I already mentioned how great the Denkers are, but today when I woke up, I found an envelope with an enclosed letter and a donation to O.M.E.H. from their sweet daughter, Tara. She expressed her appreciation for my efforts and supporting our heroes. What a great kid - thank you Tara!

Today on the road, a few miles outside of Fishers, my phone rang with an unidentified phone number. When I pulled over to answer it, I heard a crazy person saying, "Schultzy, Schultzy, is that you?! This is Anderson!" It turns out that my old Marine buddy, Justin Anderson (we served together in Bangor, WA, 29 Palms, CA, and Okinawa, Japan with Jason Bach whose comments are throughout this blog), while getting his kids ready for school this morning, saw a segment about me on the morning news. I haven't seen or heard from Anderson in over 12 years. What is hilarious, is that he told me if I ever make it up to Boise, Idaho, I'd always have a place to stay! Neither of us realized that we have lived in the same town for the last three years! Is that incredible, or what? Needless to say, I know now that we'll be in touch forever. Thanks Anderson.

Today's ride was great! If you've never been to Indiana, it's pretty darn flat - (the main reason the ride was great) - there are LOTS of corn fields! Had to find a bike shop in Carmel to lube my chain and cranks. Dogs were minimal, only one small chase. The ride was short and flat so today the knee wasn't too bad. Loved the colors in the photo of the tractor, I thought it was something my son, Jack, would like to see.

After checking into my hotel, while preparing to get in the shower, the power went out! So after showering in the dark, I went down to the lobby to inquire about the power outage. Turns out that it was a massive power outage that not only affected our hotel, and the Burger King and McDonalds across the street (I still hadn't eaten dinner), but it affected a ten mile radius and squelched my chances of finding anything to eat! So, I went into the restaurant within our hotel, to see if I could at least get some bread and butter, and some water. They told me that since the power had only been out for 20 minutes, I could help myself to whatever food was still warm in the buffet! They handed me a flashlight and a plate and pointed me in the right direction. Through the beam of my light, I could see steam coming off of the fried chicken, roast beef, fish, corn, and potato casserole. I ate like a King.... for free! Not bad, considering I also got my room 50% off.

Tomorrow, I should be in .... Illinois.

"I CAN!"


Anonymous said...

Shultzy, How awesome that you heard from J. Anderson. I have been trying to locate him forever. When yoyu get to the end, you are going to have to forward that to me. How great that if it werent for your journey, you may have never heard from him. Keep on keepin on.


Columbia Village Gropps said...

Hey Chip! We saw you on Seven's Heroes last night! It was great! I turned to Tol and said Wow, and we know him!! We are proud to call you and Tracy our friends. Tracy, you are such an awesome wife and example to all of us other wives, supporting your husband to follow his dreams and stand for something that is so important to him. I know it is a sacrifice for you right now.
Love you guys, Nikki

Chip, I'm glad to hear your knee was a little better today. Hopefully those nice flat roads will give your knee enough of a rest.

Jody said...

O.M.E.H. SUPPORTERS! My name is Jody, I am Chip's sister-in-law. Chip has given me a ton of O.M.E.H. Bike Tour business cards and asked that I pass them out. Obviously I can only reach so many people and could use your help. They are a great, easy way to raise awareness of the cause and will lead people straight to this website which will be awesome for Chip and O.M.E.H.

If you would like a card or know of some people you would like to give them to, please email me and so I can mail them to you.

My address is Please use "O.M.E.H. CARDS" as the subject so I know it is not junk mail. Then give me your mailing address and the quantity of how many you want.

Let's get the word out there!

Jody said...

I love hearing your day to day happenings. And I think it's so funny with all your research and planning, who knew dogs would be such an issue! Glad they weren't today.

Anonymous said...

And when you get the Makaafi's out of your place you'll have THREE places you can stay in Boise - your house, Anderson's and Makaafi's. Between the Anderson story and the Denker's home teaching story I can hardly wait for the next installment of "It's a Small Small World". I knew your knee would be better today - ask Tracy how I knew that. And it will continue to be O.K. too. Keep on Chippin'! You bet you can!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jody:
Reading your comment reminded me; I need cards. Could you please send me about the same amount Tracy sent prevously? I have given them all out. How's Boise?

Tracy: Love to you and the kids. Grandpa misses all of you. I'll call you.

Chip: My vacation was approved today. I will be leaving early Saturday morning, September 29th. I should catch up with you in Kansas. If you need anything, let me know.

Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry; I got you and Beth mixed up. I thought you were in Boise. Say hello to your family.

Hello to you and Fo'ou.


Anonymous said...

Julene Cook said...

Hey Chip!

Jacob Irving mention your O.M.E.H BIKE TOUR in the Anaheim 7th Branch weekly e-mails today so people from the branch knows what you are doing for a great cause. He included the website.

I am checking your O.M.E.H Bike Tour blog everyday. Keep on riding and see you in Huntington Beach, CA. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

your friend,
"Jewels" Julene Cook

Anonymous said...

I gotta admit, it was a great idea to throw the power swtich in the basement to knock out the power! Just kidding, but you gotta admit, it may come in handy at another stop. :) I was wondering if you've seen any of those "hoosiers" anywhere? I'd still like to know what one looks like. Try to get a picture if you have time between the dog chases.

You CAN, you WILL, keep on keeping on!............... Ken (Gramps)

Yeargain/Gropp's said...

Chip, Lisa and I are so proud of you and the dedication you show to this cause. I have to admit I wasn't as informed as I should have been to all of the OMEHs out there but thanks to your efforts I now am. If there is anything you need we are here for you and Tracy. YOU CAN and WILL.


Katie said...

Sometimes blessings come in disguised packages. I think it is wonderful that the people in the hotel were so generous to you!. I enjoy waking up and starting my day with a helping of Chip's adventures! Thanks for all that you do. I am trying to help spread the word!

Anonymous said...

Hi there my friend. Love the picture of the you well know...I will have to have that one blown up and framed in my house. Hats off for Red, White and Blue!! Tracy and I just finished our morning walk with the goal of having our bucket of pop!! When we finish is nice to say "another day down"!! One more day closer to seeing you finish this incredible journey. One of my favorite scriptures says this..."know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." When it seems hard just remember YOU CAN!

dave said...

hey chip - i'm a friend of scott and jody's in so cal, and had the pleasure of meeting you once. it sounds like you've still got that fantastic energy you had when we first met.

i'm totally impressed with your efforts, and am loving reading about your journey. there are so many parts of OMEH that need to be applauded - the effort putting it together, your strength to ride that far (my back hurts just thinking about it...), the courage to leave your family for that long, and of course, the message - which seems to be needed more now than ever.

anyway, thanks for what you're doing - you're a great source of inspiration for everyone you come in contact with. keep up the good work.

p.s. jody has been doing a doing a great job of helping to promote OMEH!

Topsy said...

Hey Chip,
I read up on your blog and every time I do it makes me cry - whether I think about your wife being so brave and missing you so much, or how crazy passionate you are to ride clear across the country. The pictures and the people you meet along the way are a powerful image of how connected this country can be whether we realize it or not and it inspires me to feel that sense of spirit that is driving you and the community appreciation for each of our places in this nation.

Jody said...

Geez, Ron! She moves hundreds of miles away and people are STILL getting us confunsed!

Just kidding. It happens. I'm not sure how many cards you had before but I will send you what I can.

Take care!

Chip said...


Thank you, and thanks for supporting Tracy, too. You and Tol are fantastic people. Love you guys!

Way to go! Thanks.

Jody again,
Who knew?!

Thank you very much.

Thank you! See you in Dodge City!

Thanks! Jacob's the MAN!

Ken, Ken, Ken...

Great! Thank you so much.

Thank you!

I love it. Thank you much for the scripture.

I remember you! I appreciate your words, thank you for your support.

That was nice, thank you so much.