Saturday, September 8, 2007


Miles: 53.1 - Total Miles: 377.5 - Total Ascent: 14,233 ft.
Yes, Annette, I did go over Cresson Summit. Thanks for the forewarning! In the photo above (from about 1/8 of the way up), you can see it was quite a climb. All in all, today went great. Climbing to the top of Cresson Summit was definitely the "high" point. I ate a couple slices of pizza for lunch and spoke with Tracy on the phone. She had each of the kids ask me a question about the ride, so far. I loved hearing their perspective of what I might be dealing with. Such as, "Are you leaving a trail of sweat on the road?" I miss them so much already, only 6 more weeks to go.
I thought you might enjoy seeing how my gear is positioned on my handlebars. So, on my left wrist is my watch (obviously) and on the back of my hand is pepper-spray (farm dogs). Next to that is my iPod, then my Garmin GPS Cycling Computer. To the right of that is a Remington 6" Straight Blade survival knife - you just never know! The red pouch is a water-proof handlebar sac that I keep miscellaneous stuff and valuables in. And on top of that is clear plastic water-proofing for my maps and a picture of Tracy and the kids. See you guys on October 20th. "I Can!"


Anonymous said...

Hey Chip!
Am enjoying seeing your mileage and some of the details of your trip. Are you where you are "supposed" to be at this point or have the climbs and Pennsylvania Highway Patrol set you back some?

Have a great day of rest tomorrow. We think of you daily and you are in our prayers, along with Tracy and the kids.

Love ya-

Anonymous said...

Me again. It's a mom's job to worry and I'm just doing my job. Why Kittenning and not toward Greensburg or McKeesport? Because of the Ohio connection?

Cherri Regnier said...

Hey Chip,

Remember talking with us at the Roberts' house a few times (if not, that's okay)? You were talking about this very bike ride way back then.

Congrats on seeing your vision through!!!

Cherri & Dave Regnier

Unknown said...

All I can say is "WOW"! I'm sure that every time I go towards Cresson I'll imagine what it might be like to ride a bike up that hill - AND I'LL BE REALLY THANKFUL I'M IN A CAR!!

Chip said...

We'll see when I get to Wooster, OH.

Faye again,
Mapping isn't just "as the crow flies". When I navigate I use city destination, types of roads, and terrain to determain my route. That's why I've sellected Kittaning. I appreciate your concerns, though!

Of course I remember you! Thanks for commenting (and the donation!) you are too nice.

Yes, I hope to be in a car next time too!

Anonymous said...

Well, today is SUNDAY and I'm hoping you're having a peaceful and relaxing day OFF. Here's to the next 6 weeks FLYING by for you. I'm trying to get mom to get on the program and post comments but she says she's been calling you EVERY single day to hear your voice so I guess she's forgiven. Mom and I check your blog at LEAST once a day and we love your updates. I'll have to work on dad to get with the program and start posting comments too. He called me last night not 10 minutes after I posted the comment re: ascent...he was checking your blog a the same time so called to explain it to me. ha ha. You are in all of our hearts and prayers, chipper. Be safe!!!

Anonymous said...

Yo Chip,
Yes you can, I know you can. Keep on keeping on my man. I do have one question......... Why do you need a water proof sac to keep the handlebars dry? Why not a great big bag to keep everything dry? You could have little slitz on the bottom so your wheels could still go around, right.........? Oh well, just an idea I had to help you out.

Love you, praying for you......Gramps