Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I wish I had gotten pulled over for a speeding ticket! But instead, I was told by this Pennsylvania State Police Officer that I am not allowed to ride on the interstate. I called ahead of time to inquire about obtaining a permit and was told that it was not necessary. So now, instead of riding on a nice 6 foot wide shoulder, in the photo above, and taking a direct route across Pennsylvania, I am required to stay on the State Highways which only have a 12 - 24 inch shoulder along one lane, instead of two, that don't run on a directional grid, where cars and trucks travel just as fast as the interstate, and aren't regularly patrolled by police. Frankly, I am 10 times as safe on the Interstate than on State Highways. Anyone want to try and convince the Pennsylvania State Police to grant me a permit to ride along Interstate 80?
With the exception of a late start due to GPS complications, thanks to my wonderful wife for resolving it online and walking me through the reboot process, and being pulled over by a State Trooper, today's ride went well. When I am moving and know where I am going, I feel strong and motivated. It's the uncalculated glitches that slow me down and drive me crazy. Until tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Well, you know what they say..... when the going gets tough the tough get going. I know you won't let a few bumps, like Highway Patrol poops, in the road slow you down. Keep on keeping on and be careful. Better late than never!!! We love you.


Roxana said...

Hi Chip, hang in there & stay safe. We believe in you!

Anonymous said...

Don't let the unplanned things that are bound to come up get you down. You never know what new door might open up as a result of a "surprise". I know they probably bug you though, just like a crooked picture does. Hang in there Chip! And Go Boise State!
Love ya,
Mom Kossub

Tracy said...

Chip said the cop was a real stinker (okay that's MY word). Chip explained everything he was doing and even explained it was in honor of his fellow policemen who have fallen before him. The cop basically said "that's nice, but no." Let's all write to the PA Police Department!!

Anonymous said...

All I can is is...OH My Heck!

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Chip, It was great talking to you yesterday. In a small, less uncomfortable more relaxed way, I felt like I was right there with you. Seriously, I am proud to call you my friend and wish you fair winds and following seas all the way to the next "shining sea."

Anonymous said...

We all just checked out the blog here at CCS. You are a motivation to us all here! Hang in there, we're pulling for you!

Anonymous said...

Keep pedaling Chip! Wish we could be right out there on the hot sticky pavement in precarious traffic conditions to enjoy the ride but for now your blog will have to do. Keep it up and we are following your adventures online! - J & C Williams and boys.

Beth said...

Chip - if he only KNEW what you were about.

Anonymous said...

Very few bicycle wrecks on the Interstate have happy endings. Oohrah! Go Chip!