When I was in the Marine Corps they talked a lot about complacency. It is dangerous to be complacent. When you become complacent, you fall into a routine. This is when you are the most vulnerable to the unexpected. At the beginning of this journey I was totally on guard. Constantly checking and rechecking EVERYTHING. I was fearful that something would get left behind. So this morning, I stopped at a gas station/mini-mart (like I have routinely done the last 25 days). I took in both of my water bottles to fill with ice water and bought one bottle of lemon-lime Gatorade. All went well, without a hitch. With a slight tail wind, I was riding 12 - 14 miles per hour. Seven miles down the road (about 30 minutes into today's 6 1/2 hour ride) I reached down for one of my ice cold water bottles...gone! I couldn't believe it. What had I done? I became complacent and left behind my absolute most valuable tool. It could have been worse, though. On my trailer, I've been carrying two extra water bottles; to be used only in an emergency (like when I run out of water between stops). I also had a cold Gatorade in the back pocket of my jersey. Looking at my map (another valuable tool) I saw that the small town of Lyons was about 30 miles ahead. Once there, I cleaned off and re-filled my back-up water bottles, gave a quick phone call to Tracy, and ate a small Blizzard at Dairy Queen. I lucked out!
A nice flat ride. Still lots of nothing. The afternoon portion of today's ride "blessed" me with a 15 mile an hour wind from the south (my left). Every time an 18-wheeler would pass, and temporarily block the wind, I would nearly fall into his back axle from overcompensating the wind. Will probably laugh more at that once this is over.
I lowered my seat at the end of yesterday's ride. I recalled the pain in my Achilles tendon starting when I raised my seat, back in Indiana. What do you know...no tendinitis pain all day. It's still swollen and tender to the touch, but not a bother while pedaling - today anyway. On the flip-side, I had more knee pain. So tomorrow I need to flip a coin to determine which part of my leg I'll sacrifice - ha! ha!
It feels surreal to be, not only in Kansas, but in the second half of this journey. And what a journey this has been. This journey has taken many forms since it's inception weeks ago. What started as a planning journey, soon became a physical journey. The physical journey then became an emotional journey, which then became spiritual, and then mental. Ironically, I now find myself planning the completion and finish of this incredible journey.
I love you all. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Your comments strengthen me daily.
"I CAN!"
Chip, I am the first to comment on today's ride. My thoughts and prayers are with you man. I wish I was with you too. What memories you are creating...Take care buddy!
I am sorry to hear about your tendonitis. Hopefully it will get better soon. I can't believe you're half way here. Bradley and I are looking forward to your arrival on the 20th. Talk to later, take care, love you
I can't tell you how comforting it is to know that you will be home with us, sitting around the dinner table in only 27 days. Better than that, we get to wrap our arms around you in 20 days! That is so soon! What an amazing goal you have set and what an amazing example you are of following one's dreams. I keep having to remind myself what it is that you are doing and just how incredible it is. I love and admire you so very much Chip!
Funny how you miss the pictures when they are not there. Keep your focus Chip, your coming up to the point where you can really feel the end of the journey and before you know it you'll see the sunset on the Pacific Ocean! Imagine that when the complacency sets in and you need inspiration to continue on, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. You're doing an amazing thing and there are many people with you and behind you. We're all very proud and feel apart of this but in the end it will you who said it and did it....... keep on keeping on.......YOU CAN!
I do want to know one thing...... the Blizzard.......... please tell me it was chocolate!!! :)
Our prayers continue for your success.
Ken (Gramps)
I remember this one time when I was in elementary school and a man came to speak to us at an assembly. He had "walked" around the world (Or it may have been across the US only.) I don't remember much from his presentation except for the picture of his bare feet. They were blistered, bloody, and looked painful. I used to wonder if that was actually possible. I kind of felt like he didn't actually walk all that way...that was impossible! He must have taken a taxi here and there. What can I say, it SOUNDED amazing, but I just didn't believe him (in hindsight I am sure he probably did do all those things...anywhoo)
As I read your daily entries I am reminded of this man and his journey. Perhaps the difference between the two journeys is the intent. I think he did it just to say that he could. I know that your adventure is not about "is Chip capable?" because we all know that you are (knee and Achilles tendon included). But there is also the inspiration that you give to all us readers. If there is something you believe in, then you should make it happen. We can either sit back and talk about it...or we can do it. Thanks for being strong. And I expect that as you recount your adventure for others that they will believe you and remember you for many years.
How great that Dad is taking a week off work to come give you some vehicle support!!! I just got off the phone with him and he's in New Mexico right now but said by tonight he should be dining with you in Dodge City. I asked how far he had to drive to reach you and, WOW, I didn't realize what a jaunt it is. 2,000 miles round trip from Las Vegas to Dodge City then back to Las Vegas again. Very cool and what a huge help that will be to not have to pull that 100 pound trailer with all of your gear.
I can imagine that you're already organizing your arrival in HB in your head. A major bonfire/beach party just may be in order.
I woke up yesterday morning without any desire to run since Nathan was out of town. This morning I slept in and decided to catch up on your blogs. I have become "complacent", but thanks to you, I will be running today and picking up the pace around the house. Thanks for the motivation my brother!! Of course you continue to inspire every life you touch. October is just around the corner.
I want you to know that Nikki and I looked at every possibility to make it to CA, but I have to say, it just will not work. SORRY! We will be waiting for you in Boise!
Hello my friend Chip!
In my last comment to you I will let you know how are the South Shelby Cardinals football team (Missouri) how they are doing in football games. September 28th they won their homecoming football game aganist Louisiana. the score was 54-6. Those guys were really nice you to you in Missouri and they won't never forget you Chip.
I have told my mother where you are Chip, I even wrote down the your website for your Bike Tour so she will look at it.
I will see you sometime in the day when you arrive in California with my sign. Oh my brother Michael served a mission in Texas. yes, he said there are dogs in Texas.
Keeping riding!
Jewels-Julene Cook
If you thought Kansas was flat, wait until you get to Oklahoma! Glad to hear that your tendonitis is doing better. At least your not here in the cold weather ( down to the 40's!!). Half way there!! See you at home soon.
Megan and family
The Boise Hunt's love you and wish you the best!
Thanks, Semper Fi!
That was very nice, thanks.
It was Butterfinger and Vanilla!!!
You are very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, it sure is great that dad is coming. And, yes, Tracy and Jody are arranging HB.
No problem. I can't wait to see you and visit with your super cool family!
You are always full of extraordinary information. Thanks for keeping me company!
Thanks for the support. My visit with Steve was awsome!
Thanks so much!
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